Oak Point University School of Nursing
Amazing things are happening – for our students and our University. In healthcare education, the only constant is change. That’s why our University has undergone one the most profound changes in our long, proud history. We’re now positioned to do more for our students than ever before. More access. More support. Even more opportunities for success.

A quick look at Oak Point University`s Students

Nina Lopez
2nd Year Nursing Student
Explore Oak Point University`s campus life
Chicago, IL

Built for a new generation of aspiring professionals and lifelong learners
From the very point of our inception, we have made it our cause to advance education. It’s what we do. It’s why we were built. But still, there are paths unexplored. There are possibilities unrealized. It’s more than simply starting something new. It’s building upon our momentum to create something bigger.
Built for a new generation of aspiring professionals and lifelong learners.... Who curiously explore life’s untapped potential
From this point forward, we’re seeing further into the future: anticipating what tomorrow requires and exceeding what it demands. We’re creating a better model for education: one that’s not just an exception but exemplary. One that changes the very idea of what a university can and should be.
To redefine what a healthier tomorrow looks like.
We’re developing smarter, savvier professionals who defiantly stare down tomorrow with courage and confidence, ready not just to face what’s coming—but to shape it. We’re proud of how far we’ve come. We’re ready to lead what’s next.

Degrees at Oak Point University School of Nursing
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Oak Point University School of Nursing
BSN – Clinical Placement
Oak Point University School of Nursing
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Oak Point University School of Nursing
Nurse Educator (MSN)
Oak Point University School of Nursing
Oak Point University School of Nursing