To Be Eligible for Nomination as a "Fellow" in the National Honor Society:
Nominees must be active members in good standing of the National Honor Society for at least three continuous years.
Nominees must have graduated from an accredited nursing program.
Nominees must have completed three three continuous years as a licensed registered nurse.
Nominees must have performed outstanding service to the nursing profession*.
Fellows must remain active members of the Honor Society to retain their "Fellow" status.
Outstanding service to the nursing profession during a pandemic:

Active involvement as a front-line nurse providing direct patient care.

Heroic acts of kindness as related to the pandemic.

Active involvement in the preparation and training of safety measures for nurses, nursing students, and public health volunteers.

Active involvement as a leader providing care to the underserved, including the elderly, the homeless, and other vulnerable populations.

Active involvement in nursing research related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Active involvement in the support and maintenance of any college or university nursing program or nursing licensure program.

Heroic acts of kindness protecting children, students and teachers (at-risk) in any daycare or educational program.

Active involvement in the direct care of other nurses that may be at-risk in any manner.

"The National Honor Society is the gold standard for nurses everywhere. It has a rich history and a great brand."

John Bloomberg