About Honor Society
Recognition. Distinction. Become a "Fellow".
Fellows are recognized with the highest membership honor for their exceptional work and altruistic impact upon society.
Nurses that have made very significant contributions to society and who exemplify nursing excellence can become a permanent member of the "College of Fellows".
Only three (3) percent of our 180,000 nurse members have this distinction. Consider becoming a "Fellow". This important designation speaks to your significant contribution to society and highlights your commitment to nursing. The National Honor Society inducts "Fellows" annually.
The National Honor Society aims to encourage the development of altruism and social responsibility in nursing. Registered Nurses that have made significant and sweeping contributions to society that exemplify nursing excellence can become permanent "Fellows" of the National Honor Society.
Through your membership, activities, volunteer works, achievements, and altruistic contributions to Society you can earn distinction as a 'Fellow".
Fellows receive an award, a certificate, honorable mention in our publlifations and a permanent place in our "College of Fellows". You can use the "Fellow" title, folloing your name. New "Fellows" are keynote speakers at the Annual Induction Ceremony.
Nominees must be active members in good standing of ASRN for at least three continuous years.

Nominees must have graduated from an accredited nursing program.

Nominees must have completed three continuous years as a licensed registered nurse.

Nominees must have performed outstanding service to the nursing profession.

Fellows must remain active members to retain their "Fellow" status.

If uncertainties exist about the period of membership, please contact the National Honor Society's office to verity the nominees` eligibility prior to preparing the submission.

College of Fellows
The National Honor Society`s College of Fellows currently features members elevated in 2019. We are currently in the process of adding members invested in previous years.