After high blood pressure landed Penn Jillette in the hospital some time back, he knew it was time for a change.
The famed magician and illusionist from Penn & Teller dropped from 330 pounds down to 225 by eating healthier and cutting down his intake.
“My doctor said I needed to get my weight down, and if I brought it down 30 or 40 pounds, it would be a little easier to control. And then he said something in passing that completely blew my mind: he said, ‘If you got down to 230, you probably wouldn’t need any of the meds’.
So, that’s just what he did.
From the end of the year until now, Jillette, 60, has been eating just 1,000 calories a day and dropped almost a pound a day. Now, after reaching his goal weight in March, he maintains by avoiding processed grains and added sugar, among other things. Jillette eats mostly salads and greens, along with brown rice.
“I could probably have a steak or a doughnut every couple of weeks, but I just haven’t felt like it,” he added.
He didn’t work out while losing all the weight, but now weight lifts, take tricycle rides and does a 'scientific 7-minute workout'. He trains every other day.
The one downside is new clothes. He went from a 44 waist to a 34.
“It’s really expensive because the suits on the Penn & Teller show cost a s*** ton, and so we had to get all new suits,” he said.
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Kirsten Nicole
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Kirsten Nicole
Stan Kenyon
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