Nurse Practitioner Tops List Of Next Decade’s Fastest-Growing Jobs
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has released a report that reveals the 20 jobs with the highest projected percentage change in employment between 2021 and 2031.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has released a report that reveals the 20 jobs with the highest projected percentage change in employment between 2021 and 2031.
The World Health Organization has warned the world must prepare for a potential human bird flu pandemic — after the strain jumped from birds to mammals.
I had tears in my eyes when I visited our strike line for the first time last month. Hundreds of nurses were bundled against the January chill in red NYSNA scarves, chanting in sync, showing our unity and resilience, and our commitment to our patients.
The scheme, which created more than 7,600 fake nursing diplomas, was uncovered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Let's all agree: Nursing jobs are not only intense, but also super stressful. Add a worldwide pandemic, and it's easy to see why nearly one third of registered nurses have considered leaving their jobs, according to a recent report.
We lived in the woods. Five acres of trees. You could barely see the sky. We left the big city for this piece of heaven. And by chance, we met a couple that had a 5-year-old daughter. Our son was four years old.
Toxic chemicals in fragrances, nail polishes, and shampoo may raise the risk of type 2 diabetes in women, a study suggests. Phthalates are chemicals that strengthen plastic and are used as a lubricant in many cosmetic products.
Editor-in Chief:
Kirsten Nicole
Editorial Staff:
Kirsten Nicole
Stan Kenyon
Robyn Bowman
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Kirsten Nicole
Stan Kenyon
Liz Di Bernardo
Cris Lobato
Elisa Howard
Susan Cramer